The Harmony Ring

All human beings are individuals yet we belong to a whole. Find Harmony with your family and friends and the world through acceptance of all our diversities. We live in an Ah...mazing world. Get out of the box. Be a Honey Bee
"A star! Unreachable, yet worth stretching for--untouchable, except in the mind. We have learned a great deal about such things as how far away stars are, how they came to be and what they are physically like. Isn't it amazing to realize that we have learned so much from the tiny bits of light that travel vast distances between stars and our eyes. They are gigantic thermonuclear furnaces radiating energy into their surroundings, and we thrive within the blessed illumination from one star bathing Earth with life-sustaining energy. The symbol of a star is worthy to represent our highest aspirations". — Clark Foundation.
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